A free PDF booklet by Lauren Ducommun. Available for download below.
Last year a lot of things caught up with me. I never had a true debrief from our time in ministry. I was still dealing with a lot of hurt, but also a lot of heartache and pain.
I had a lot of questions, but no longer felt like I had any answers. Why did God allow these things to happen? Why isn’t he stopping it? Why isn’t he answering our cries?
And I know I’m not the only one dealing with suffering or these questions, as almost everyone I talk to has suffered or is suffering.
Why do we suffer? Where did it come from? And, how long is it going to last? What is the point of going on, if suffering is a constant companion of life?
Thankfully, I received some wonderful care from friends and a counselor. As I wrestled with my questions, I wrote down truths that I wanted to share with Leo and other fellow sufferers.
So if you or a loved one is suffering, I hope you can find comfort in these words.
You can download The Story of Suffering by Lauren Ducommun for free below.
